Astronomy Day Award — 2004
Cosponsored by Sky & Telescope, the American Astronomical Society, and the Astronomical League The Astronomy Day award began in 1980 and is award to the group(s) that best exemplifies the concept of Astronomy Day, “Bringing Astronomy to the People,” through special event programing. The award is judged by the Astronomical League.
Exceptional Service by a Young Astronomer — 2000
Katie Moore, member of the Flint River Astronomy Club was awarded the Jack Horkheimer Award for Exceptional Service by a Young Astronomer in 2000. This national award is presented to an Astronomical League member who is under the age of 19 and is based upon service to the League, either directly, or service to any Astronomical League society. Service areas recognized include outstanding educational outreach, astronomical knowledge, and public education skills at public star parties. The award included a major cash prize, a plaque, and a trip to the Astronomical League Convention at Astrocon 2000 in Ventura, California.
Congratulations Katie, we are all proud of you.
Astronomical League Award — 2008
Richard Schmude was awarded The Astronomical League Award, which is presented to any person, either amateur or professional, who has made worthwhile contributions to the science of astronomy on a national or international level. Previous winners have made contributions to the science of astronomy, founded other astronomical organizations, or made great contributions of their time and energy to the Astronomical League